By Rubab Ali
This article will give you information about the promotional scale of PMS officers.
As the reward for passing PMS Exam is that the candidate is offered a government job of Grade -17. After which he is promoted to Grade-18, Grade-19 and Grade-20 under the notified act of Service Rules called PMS Rules, 2004.
What kind of jobs are offered to PMS officers?
Job Description Of PMS Officer
The newly employed PMS officer undergoes training of six 6 months at Management & Professional Development Department (MPDD), Lahore
After completion of the training period, an officer may be appointed at the following posts/ jobs:-
- An officer may be posted as Assistant Commissioner (Under Training)/ AC (UT) for three months. This helps an officer to have a look and know-how of the duties, tasks and working of Assistant Commissioner of Tehsil.
- An officer for the first two 02 years has to work in the Civil Secretariat. This tenure helps the officer to observe, learn and adopt new techniques and to understand the environment of officials working in government departments.
Considering Civil Secretariat, the following posts are appointed to the new officers
- Section Officer General
- Section Officer Establishment
- Section Officer Technical
- Section Officer Budget
- Section Officer Enquiries
- Section Officer Litigation
- Section Officer Planning
New Officers can be appointed field postings such as:-
- Assistant Commissioner
- Special Judicial Magistrate
- Sub- Registrar
- District Monitoring Officer
- General Revenue Assistant
- Deputy Director Anti- Commissioner
PMS Officer Estimated Salary
After an appointment at Scale-17, a PMS officer can earn up to 70,000 PKR. (approx.)
PMS Officer Promotional Scale
A PMS officer is posted from the basic Scale 17- Scale 21 as per the 18th amendment. The following criteria is observed for the promotion of each scale.
1. Scale- 17

- Based on the combined result, 50% appointments are made in the initial tests by the recommendation of PPSC.
- 45% quota to be filled by promotion, is divided in two ways:-
(a) 22.5% from the seniority cum fairness Tehsildars with a minimum of five 5 years experience as Tehsildars and a graduation degree
(b) 22.5% of the seniority cum fairness Superintendents and Private Secretaries graduated in ratio 50:50.
- People serving in government institutes posted from Basic Scale- 5 to Basic Scale- 16, having a Masters or Bachelors (4 years) degree or LLB degree from a recognized university, have 5% quota. These civil servants should have the following experience:-
(a) For Officials in Basic Scale- 11 to Basic Scale- 16 = 5 years
(b) ) For Officials in Basic Scale- 5 to Basic Scale- 10= 8 years
The selection quota of 5% is made by Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC.
2. Scale- 18

From the staff of PMS Basic Scale- 17 having a minimum experience of 5 years with Prescribed Departmental Training/ Exam, 100% posts are promoted to Basic Scale- 18.
3. Scale- 19

100% posts are promoted to Scale- 19, from Basic Scale- 18 on the basis of selection on merit. Officers should have a total experience of twelve 12 years of service against post of Basic Scale- 17 and above. The officers should have a minimum of four 4 years of service in Basic Scale- 18 after Prescribed Departmental Training/ Exam.
4. Scale- 20

100% posts are promoted to Scale- 20, from Basic Scale- 19 on the basis of selection on merit. Officers should have a total experience of seventeen 17 years of service against post of Basic Scale- 17 and above. The officers should have a minimum of three 3 years of service in Basic Scale- 19 after Advance Training Course.
5. Scale- 21

100% posts are promoted to Scale- 21, from Basic Scale- 20 on the basis of selection on merit. Officers should have a total experience of twenty-two 22 years of service against the post of Basic Scale- 17 and above. The officers should have a minimum of two 2 years of service in Basic Scale- 20.