By Rubab Ali
Hey, are you looking for accurate information regarding the eligibility criteria for PMS?
Just stop here and read till the end to know all you want to.
Some questions might pop up your mind when you plan to take PMS Exams in 2020.
They may be about the qualification eligibility, age eligibility or exam criteria for PMS by PPSC.
Qualification Eligibility

- You need to have a graduation degree in any discipline with a minimum of second 2nd division.
- The graduation degree should be of a recognized educational institution.
- People who have domicile of Punjab can apply.
- There are no boundaries for transgenders i.e. males, females and transgenders can apply.
- People who are currently employed and fresh graduates are eligible to apply for the PMS Exam in PPSC.
Age Limit For PMS Exam

Age limit is 21 to 30 years old (by 1st January 2020), as per Advertisement No. 38/2018 by PPSC PMS.
Age Relaxation

Age relaxation can be granted to the candidates in the following cases:-
- Upper age limit is 35 years if the candidate is a Federal Government employee domiciled in Punjab, or Punjab Government employees having minimum service of 4 years.
- For special persons, relaxation in the upper age limit is granted up to 10 years as per Punjab Civil Service Recruitments (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, 1976.
Exam Criteria For PMS Exam

PMS Exam consists of two portions
- Written test of 1200 marks
- Viva Voce of 200 marks
PMS Criteria Is as Follows:

- In General Knowledge paper, the objective part containing MCQs, 0.25 marks are deducted for each wrong answer.
- Non-Muslims can choose to attempt the paper in either Islamic Studies or Ethics (Both the combination of Subjective and Objective).
- Candidates are required to compulsory as well as optional subjects from PMS Syllabus defined by the PPSC.