By Kh. M. Haris Naveed
Not aware of the IELTS Instructions that can prove useful during the exam?
Then no need to worry. Today we are going to explain the instructions that can prove beneficial during the exam. This explanation will entail a deep knowledge regarding the instructions and what rules you need to follow during it.
Let’s get started with our topic.
To begin with, you must be aware of what the IELTS exam is. If you don’t possess such knowledge then I would recommend clicking on the image down below.

Click on the image to read the article
If you already know about this then let’s move to the main topic.
There are many instructions and rules you have to follow while taking the International English Language Test System (IELTS) exam. It is best to follow them because they are written for our own benefit. These instructions are:
1) Arrive Early:

As we are used to reaching our destination a bit late or at the exact time. It is advised to reach the exam center about half an early. This gives you time to get prepared before the exam.
Recheck the time and date on your date sheet because if you are late for the exam then it is possible that you will not be allowed to do the exam.
Also, check the identification that you carry is the correct one. If you don’t possess your identification or have the incorrect one then you will not be allowed to take the exam.
That is why keep in mind that you have to be prepared and arrive early to not face any difficulty.
2) Be As Relaxed As Possible:

Staying calm in a difficult situation can prove to be the key to achieving high marks in the exam. There can be many situations where you have to think calmly because you cannot rush through the IELTS exam.
If you also act nervous and suspiciously then the examiner might think that you are hiding some cheating material. This can be very problematic if they think so because even if they don’t find anything, still your time will be wasted.
3) Follow The Rules For Exams:

The IELTS exam rules are very strict. If you don’t follow them properly then it could result in your time being wasted or even worse that is being disqualified.
The rules for the exams are as follows:
- Switch off the mobile phones and any other electronic devices that you may have on you and leave them outside the room with your other belongings. If a person possesses such a device during the exam then they will be immediately disqualified.
- The Listening, Reading and Writing tests will take 2 hours 40 minutes during which there will be no breaks.
- Make sure that you have already eaten beforehand because you will not be allowed to take any food items in the examination room.
- Listen to the invigilator carefully and don’t try to cheat during the exam. If they caught you during exam cheating then your paper will be taken from you.
- Read the instructions on the paper carefully beforehand.
- Try not to lose any points because of careless mistakes like not being able to read the question properly.
- Before the start of the exam, there shouldn’t be anything on the table beside your identification, a pencil and an eraser (both which will be by the exam center).
These are the rules that you have to follow to make sure you pass the exam without any hitch.
4) Be Aware Of The Time:

During the exam, it is detrimental that you are aware of the time that has passed. If you don’t keep track of the time then your exam will have to suffer because without proper time management you will miss out on a few questions.
Time management during the IELTS exam can play a very key role in achieving high marks. That is why it is necessary to keep one eye on the clock.
5) Breeze Through The Exam:

In the listening section, it is important to read the questions before the audio is played. This will help you find the answer more quickly and easily.
The questions that are asked will be in the order in which the audio is played. The answer for the question#1 will appear first then the answer for question#2. So if you are already aware of the questions then finding the answers in the audio will become much easier because you will already know what you are looking for.
Keep in mind the audio will not be played again. That is why you need to stay extra focused during the listening section.
6) Write Only On The Answer Sheet:

Keep in mind that if you write anything on the question paper it will not be considered part of the test. That is why it is advised you to write only on the answer sheet.
In the writing section carefully read the questions because in the writing section you are required to write only specific words regarding the question. For example, You may be asked to answer a question in 5 words. If you exceed the specified word limit then you will not be awarded any points.
Also keep in mind that when you are writing something and got stuck on some question, don’t waste too much time on it. Since the time allowed for the exam is calculated so you can’t afford to lose too much time on only one question.
Use the correct singular and plural nouns in the exam. If you mix them up during the exam then it will result in no points.
7) Keep Calm During The Speaking Section:

As we have discussed above, keeping your cool is the key during the IELTS exam.
During the speaking section, most of the people get scared regarding what type of question the examiner may ask. This is like any other conversation that you have but in English. The examiner will only ask a question regarding studies, life and work so that you can feel as easy as possible.
Also, try not to speak more than you can. This can negatively affect you and can result in you getting no point for the question.
In the end, I will only suggest that you try to do your best, keep calm and manage time properly. Hopefully, these IELTS Instructions were helpful for you.