Paying cadets are the cadets who pay their full fee, but the half fee is refunded. They are also known as PCs or PC. They are selected in NUST, NUMS, and UET based on merit. Only army brat can apply for the seat, not civilians.
Where Do Paying Cadets Get Selected?
Paying cadets are selected in the following departments:
- EME (Electrical and Mechanical Engineering)
- MCE (Military College of Engineering)
- MCS (Military College of Signals)
- PNEC (Pakistan Navy Engineering College)
- CAE (College of Aeronautical Engineering)
- AMC (Army Medical College)
- NUMS (National University of Medical Sciences)
What Is VMS Bond For PC?
VMS Bond for PC is a virtual drag and drop application that allows you to organize your music, videos and photos from a single location. It helps you easily manage all the multimedia files on your computer.
1. VMS Bond for PC is a free media library software for managing your music, videos and photos. Download it now.
2. VMS Bond for PC is an easy-to-use, affordable yet powerful tool that helps you organize all the multimedia files on your computer.
3. VMS Bond for PC lets you categorize movies, songs and photos stored in different locations on your computer or any networked device including DLNA media servers like WDTV, PS3 and Xbox360 etc., so that you can enjoy them in different players on different devices at once without any hassle.
4. VMS Bond for PC helps you keep full control over your digital assets by providing flexible management and search capabilities.
5. VMS Bond for PC offers auto-import feature that automatically add media files to the library as soon as they are moved or copied to specified folders (like “My Documents”) or drives (such as USB drive).
VMS stands for Voluntary Military Service. You have to sign the bond if you are selected as a Paying Cadet. You can download the document from here

You can see the VMS Paying Cadet Bond document that consists of 3 pages in the image format.

Do Paying Cadets Serve Pak Army?
It’s clearly mentioned in the above document you have to serve the Pak Army for at least 3 years. If you don’t want to serve Pakistan Army after graduation, you have to pay Rs. 500,000.
What Are The Types Of Paying Cadets?
- Medical Paying Cadet:
- For Medical PC, both girls and boys can apply. They get admission in AMC and NUMS.
- Engineering Paying Cadets:
- For Engineering PC, both girls and boys can apply. They get admission in NUST and UET.
How To Apply For Paying Cadets?
Now comes the real question, how to apply for a PC seat.
Step 1 – Take The Test:
You have to apply and take the NUST and NUMS entrance test. Without the test, you can’t apply. If you want to apply for Medical PC, you take NUMS. Similarly, if you want to apply the engineering PC, you have to take the NET (Nust Engineering Test).
Step 2 – Get The Form:
Fill the paying cadet form. How to get the form? Don’t worry, keep reading.
Step 3 – Attach The Attested Documents With The Application Form:
Attach the following attested copies of documents:
- Matric marks sheet SSC.
- F.Sc marks sheet Part-1 and Part-2 or equivalent if you have done A level.
- Discharge Certificate/Release Order of parents.
- NOC from Military Colleges (military college students)
- CNIC/Form ‘B’
Step 4 – Sending To GHQ:
Send it to GHQ by post, or you can submit it at GHQ Gate Number 3.
But, Wait! Where To Get The PC Form?
There are two ways to get Paying Cadet Form:
- You can get the PC form from GHQ Gate No 3.
- All the station headquarters of your city through OAS system in your father’s unit. If your father doesn’t know about it, tell him to ask from the clerk of his office, he must know about it.
Do You Want To Download PC Form?
Here is the direct link you can download or preview online below.
Note: It’s written in the form you can’t use an old form to submit. Always get the latest from the above methods.
Who Can Apply For Paying Cadets (PCs)?
Only those students whom father/mother is serving, shaheed or retired in the army, PAD, and in defense services like MES.
What Are The Dates To Apply For Paying Cadets?
The last for admission in Engineering Category is usually 7th July of the year of admission and for Medical Category its 31st August. Yes, your paying cadets form must be at GHQ before these dates otherwise you will lose your chance.
What Is The Distribution Of Seats For PCs?
You can clearly see in the below image for the seats for paying cadets.
Seats will be distributed at the ratio of 60% and 40% between and retired army personnel respectively.
You might be thinking no seats for Shaheed army personnel. So almost all the students are selected for the paying cadets for this purpose.
How Many Marks Do I Need In Net To Get An Engineering Paying Cadet?
The aggregate is not the only indicator, the important number is the merit number in NET to get a paying cadet.
- Serving:
If your father is serving in the army, you have to get at least 110+ score in NET. And you must fall below 9000 merit number. This assumption is based on past results. The current year result may differ.
- Retired:
If your father has retired from the army, you need a little bit more effort by getting above 120+ in NET, and you must be below 7000 in merit number.
In the following departments, your merit number must fall between:
- Mechanical Engineering: Merit number below 500
- Electrical Engineering: 1500-3500
- Mechatronics: 2500-5000
- Civil Engineering 2500-5000
- MCS ( Telecom and Software): 4000-6500
- Computer Science: 5000-8000.
How Can I Calculate Aggregate?
The formula is simple.
- NET %75
- F.Sc %15
- Matric %10
Can you give an example, please? Yeah, sure!
Suppose you have got 150 in NET, 950 in F.Sc and 900 in matric. You know total marks in NET, F.Sc, and Matric are 200, 1100 and 1100 respectively.
- For NET 150/200 multiply by 75= 56.25
- For F.Sc 950/1100 multiply by 15=12.95
- For Matric 900/1100 multiply by 10=8.18
Total: 56.25+ 77.38
How Many Marks Do I Need In Net To Get A Medical Paying Cadet Seat?
In NUMS, you have to get an aggregate of 83 or greater will sure your seat as paying cadets
What Are The Ineligibility Conditions?
These conditions are taken from the paying cadets form.
- Candidate who is nominated for admission on open merit (based on NUST entry test or SAT) in any Engineering Discipline in NUST shall remain ineligible for PC scheme and UET during the year of applying.
- Candidate nominated as PC/ASC in any discipline in NUST/UET (for Army reserved seat in UETs) is ineligible for the subsequent years’ admission. However, cancellation by GHQ due to selection on open merit will not affect eligibility for admission in PC Scheme as well as UETs.
- Candidate selected as Technical Cadet.
- Candidate applying against Army Reserved Seats in UETs of the country and failing to qualify the entry test of concerned Engineering University of their province of domicile.
- Candidate released/withdrawn on disciplinary/academic/medical ground/own request from any Defence Forces Training Institution/UETs.
- Candidate, who has applied only for one discipline in Engineering on open merit in NUST/ UETs as well as against PC Scheme. Computer Science will not be considered as second discipline being non-Engineering Subject (ref Para 29b).
- Candidate declared medically unfit (as per NUST laid down requirement – for detail ref to NUST prospectus).
- Children of those Army personnel who have been weeded out from service on disciplinary grounds (due to fault).
- Children of those ex-servicemen who have not rendered pensionable service/not drawing pension.
- Children of those Army personnel whose retirement period exceed 25 years on the closing date of applications by GHQ.
- Adopted/dependent children and other relatives of serving/retired Army personnel.
- Candidate selected for any defense forces institution as a regular cadet.
- Candidate not fulfilling the basic eligibility criteria of NUST.
- Diploma Holders are not eligible for any of the undergraduate programme NUST as well as UET.
Which Mistakes Students Make To Apply For PC?
Students make the following mistakes:
- Engineering cadets don’t submit the form before 7th July (it can change any current year) and medical cadets don’t submit the PC form before 31st August to GHQ.
- They don’t apply for NC seat. They think we have applied for PC seat, so we don’t need to apply for this. But you have to apply for local seat otherwise you will not get admission in any of the seats.