Students face so many problems when it comes to remembering a theorem.
Because it has a complicated statement, and even students don’t even try to memorize the statement.
You have to memorize the statement if you want to be stand out from the crowd.
You might be thinking I am going to lie to you, well, I am not because I got 75/75 marks in 9th Class whereas 74/75 marks in 10th class in Mathematics. Here I am going to share three tips.
I will tell you everything that played a role to get such excellent marks in theorems as well as all over the Mathematics subject.
Tip 1: Understand The Fundamental Of The Theorem
Many students don’t understand the basis of the theorem statement, and direct jump to remembering that creates enormous problems, in this way, students forget sooner or later.
This rule applies everywhere if you don’t know the basic, you’re more likely to face problems in understanding the basic concepts.
Let’s come to the point.
The first line of the most theorem statement before the commas (,) is the line of the GIVEN and the second sentence after the comma (,) is the sentence of TO PROVE.
If the theorem doesn’t have a comma, use the word THEN will act as a comma.
Sometimes it may be vice versa which means the PROOF can be written before then GIVEN is written after.
I know you will not understand without an example. Look at the below image.

The first sentence before the comma is GIVEN whereas the after the word THEN is the TO PROVE.
Pretty simple, right?
I am saying you again to memorize the statement otherwise many related theorems may be terrified you.
Here’s another trick for you, guys!
S.A.S. stands for Side, Angle and Side. It means 2 sides and one angle have been proved.

What has it to do with the memorizing easily?
It has to do because many theorems seem the same because many statements have the same words, but they have different orders with different GIVEN and TO PROVE.
This thing will help you to identify which theorem it is.
If you know which theorem it is, then you are more likely to draw its geometrical diagram, GIVEN, and TO PROVE. Which hold the half of the marks.
Pretty great, right?
Tip 2: Revise 30 Minutes A Day To Keep Your Neurons Connected
Who doesn’t know our brain is in the constant state of forgetting which is good for us.
Good for us?
Yes, otherwise, we will be occupied with unlimited thoughts and anxiety that will make our life more miserable.
It’s important to tell our brain which thing is more important and which is not.
Because we generally have two types of memory:
- Short-Term Memory
- Long-Term Memory
Short Terms Memory lasts from a few seconds to few minutes. It is what we hear and see whenever we talk. It doesn’t remain in our brain until we pay attention to it firmly.
The other type is the long-term memory that stays on our mind for a more extended period of time, and it only happens if we keep revising the things. You may know your phone number because you have revised it many times.
So, if you want a theorem stays longers in your mind, you need to set 30 minutes to revise a day.
When I was in 10th Class, my bus used to come after 20 minutes when the school closed. So, I used to revise the theorem during this time.
Even it seems strange because all other students are wasting time on gossip, and you spend quality time with your other friend: the book.
Tip 3: Memorize By Writing On A Rough Copy To Activate Your More Senses
Have you observed the more senses you involve in something, the more memorable it becomes
Okay! You need an example.
A written story doesn’t remain in your mind, but a movie that has different sounds, visual scenes, and some feelings, you remember everything. Right?
The same goes for theorems. If you write what you’ve memorized, you’re more likely to keep on your mind. Because your hands write and feel. Your eyes see.
Do you know? You can make it more memorable if you attach some memories and feelings with the theorem?
How is it possible?
It is possible when some imaginary characters are used.
For example, when one theorem says the Angle A is congruent to Angle B, you can imagine that there are two dinosaurs which are equal in size.
You can attach sounds like dinosaur A and dinosaur B have the sound similar to your best friends. The same goes for other angles and sides of a triangle.
You must take your test on the weekend of all the congruent that you have memorized on the regular days. Keep in mind, never forget to revise 30 minutes all the congruent on a daily basis.