You can do many things to reduce stress, such as exercising, practicing yoga, or bathing. But if you’re looking to relieve stress quickly and easily, try making a note of all the things causing your stress levels to go up and then doing something about it!
The only things that can stop you from achieving what you want are distractions and procrastination – and these two things can sap your productivity like no other. I’ve come to realize, though, that they don’t have to be weaknesses.
Most people know what a to-do list is. It’s simply a list of tasks to complete. But when it comes to following it and completing more items from it, most people fail. This is because most of us use our default brain too much.
By default, I mean that we rely too much on our memory instead of taking the task and writing it down externally (like on a to-do list). Your brain was never meant to remember everything you want to do, so using it as your primary storage for those items is not an efficient system.
1. Todoist

Todoist has a web version, and it’s an essential productivity tool that includes time-management features for companies for task management.
The app’s text entry field features a clever popup auto-suggestion window for quickly filtering through your tags, which is quite speedy. In this case, it helped me save several clicks, minutes of my time–the same way Gmail’s suggested filters and labels have saved me countless keystrokes. I have a Google alert set for the word “Todoist.”
You might have a massive list of blogs that send you LinkedIn notification emails about new posts if you are anything like me.
And I am not ashamed to admit that sometimes these emails end up sitting in my inbox for days on end while I procrastinate doing something about them because I’m either super busy or just not in the mood to read a post on the topic suggested.
Todoist is a task management tool with many cool features, but I’d like to indent subtasks for some tasks. Seriously, Todoist! If you use any other task management systems like Google Tasks, you’ll see a prevalent feature that most task management tools support. I’ve been using Todoist for about three months now, and I like it.
It’s the most straightforward to-do app out there, and its cross-platform functionality lets me access my to-dos from any computer. There are so many ways you can improve your business and sell more. One of the best ways to do that is through email marketing.
Everyone who uses the internet knows about getting emails from some e-retailer or another. What few people realize is that you can get to customers just as effectively by sending them emails.
2. TickTick

TickTick is a to-do list app that ranks high in functionality and ease of use. Started in August 2008, TickTick is a scrum task management tool for team collaboration. A lot of unique features have been added along with the year.
Many of us use a to-do list app or productivity software for the same reason – to get stuff done. These tools often do that in different ways. The main difference lies in how they divide tasks into projects and their sub-items.
After using Todoist (my leading task/productivity software) for a while, I got used to having my studies divided as projects & sub-tasks. TickTick uses the same way, and so far, I like this type of division better because it’s easier to delegate tasks inside each project.
You can either add your project to your task list or create a new one, but I recommend the former because you can quickly scale things up if more tasks are added.
The software supports both Android and iOS. It is intuitive to use and enables you to track your time spent on each task. The app allows you to set a reminder, and it helps you bring your iPhone into focus while studying.
3. Microsoft To-Do

To be a great blogger, you must write good content for your readers. If you are a newbie blogger, then writing content is an endless headache for you, resulting in dropping out from blogging within a month or so.
In particular, Todoist has a solid user base in Europe, but Microsoft’s To-Do is not limited to North America and Europe. The other apps on the market have their niche with specific features that can’t be found elsewhere. In conclusion, if you’re a small business owner and try to juggle many tasks and projects daily, you should have more than one task management app on your smartphone device.
Here are some ideas for building better blog posts. I don’t pretend that these are the only types of blog posts you can write, but they are an excellent place to start. Juggling all the types of content, you need to produce will be easier if you have a general idea of what kind of content you want to create before writing.
Honestly, this is just an excellent way of saying you don’t get natural language processing. The real beauty of task lists is that they are easy to write, and to-do items are easier to manage because you can categorize them.
Having no smart lists, tags, or filters completely ruins that, so Microsoft To-Do requires a specific way to list items if you want a particular result. This shouldn’t have come as a surprise seeing how Microsoft acquired Wunderlist years ago. They knew what they were doing.
4. Google Tasks

I’ve read in many places that blogging is so hard, and sometimes I feel like I should give up. I don’t want to quit, though, because I know there are some excellent blogs out there, and I’d like to find them for my readers. Google Tasks is an easy way to stay organized and get stuff done across all your devices.
Whether it’s a work task, something you have to do at home, or a bill you need to pay, Google Tasks helps you quickly create and organize your lists. They’re always there when you need them, on the web, mobile, or tablet. Here is my list of the top marketing blogs on the web.
These blogs are constantly publishing new content for your marketing pleasure and to keep you up-to-date with all the latest events in marketing. Case in point, several years ago, I came up with the idea of using Google Tasks. I thought it would be a great way to record tasks and then schedule them throughout the week. I called it GTasks.
A couple of months later, Lifehacker was launched, and they published a post called How I Use Google Tasks to Manage My Life—and How You Can Too.
From that day on, GTasks became known as “Lifehacker Tasks.”An impeccably researched and lively account of the making of history, Past Time is a book that belongs on our calendar and on our bookshelf, too. There’s more to this engaging volume than just its well-told history or attractive design; what I liked most about this book is the ‘time travel’ it enables in time.
5. WorkFlowy

WorkFlowy is a unique app because it combines a plain list with bullet points and checkbox options for keeping things organized. WorkFlowy is the original bullet-list app with its core roll-up feature for sub-bullets. All you have to do is click a bullet, and all the sub-bullets beneath it roll up into the higher one.
You’re welcome to use our best intros for quotes. We hope these professional PowerPoint templates will give you creative juices that will help you impress your boss or teacher! There are many features you’ll be able to use to tailor your writing experience.
You can change the font size, theme, background color, and viewport to get it looking just how you like it. These are all well and good, but they are missing that crucial element of the viral blog you need to get those clicks — a great title. Let’s face it, and no one likes writing emails.
They’re time-consuming, require you to think and write coherently, and often take ages to write. But as marketers, we have to send out emails regularly to keep our businesses alive.