A lot of Pakistani students are looking for 9th Class English Grammar books in PDF on the internet. Guess what? We’ve got a better solution to your searching. We have prepared the book for SSC part I students with English Grammar notes as well.

All Subjects 9th Class Notes in One Place

Preparing a foreign language for the board examination can be difficult and consfuing. Students are often at their wit’s end to gather theright sources with the right answers to their queries. We care about your preparation and time. And so, you can find all the topics, concepts and notes on grammar in the PDF version we’ve prepared. The notes have 13 chapters that will help you in improving your grammar and preparing in the best possible way for your exams.

The best part is that many complex topics are explained in pure Urdu.

A lot of topics are written in simple English even with Urdu words so that the students of SSC Part 1 can easily understand for getting great marks.

If you don’t know the 12 tenses, you can learn the tenses here. It is the best site I have ever found for learning English tenses with diagrams.

The best thing about the notes is that you don’t need to read the whole Grammar book rather you can just read the notes where to the point answers are written.

It doesn’t matter either you belong to Federal Board (FBISE), Lahore Board, Multan Board, Rawalpindi Board or Karachi Board, these notes would help you anyway. A win-win for all!


In this chapter, it is explained how to write a good paragraph, and all the paragraph are given which are available in the 9th class English Grammar and Composition book. Urdu meanings are given for the difficult words so that you don’t need open a dictionary to look for a word.

Topic sentence: This is the first sentence of a paragraph, and it serves as an introduction to the topic or main idea of the paragraph. It is typically the first sentence of a paragraph and may serve as a transition from the ideas in the preceding paragraph.

Supporting details: These are sentences that explain or develop the main idea in more detail and provide specific examples or evidence to support it. They can either be facts, opinions, statistics and anecdotes among others.

Transition word/phrase: This is a word or phrase that shows logical relationship between ideas within a sentence, between sentences, or between paragraphs and it helps to achieve coherence in writing by showing how one idea relates to another.

Examples are; however, hence ,in addition, in fact ,on the contrary etc.  Concluding statement closes a paragraph and it restates the main idea of your paragraph.

In this kind of writing, you need to convince your reader that your opinion is right by giving solid reasons for your opinion and supporting them with strong examples and evidence. The term “paragraph” refers to a group of sentences that are related to a single subject and are organized and coherent.

Paragraphs should be used for almost every piece of writing longer than a few sentences.  Look for the following important concepts that’ll help you in composing paragraphs perfectly:

  • Thesis statement
  • Supporting details (main content)
  • Concluding statement
    • Size: 2.5 MB | Pages: 10
  •  Paragrah Writing


In this chapter, a very good explanation is given how to write a good story, and then many stories are given with Urdu meanings. Students enjoy a story if all the words in the story they understand which is made possible by making the story more easy to read.

Different kinds of stories require different kinds of narrative styles, vocabulary, conclusions and plots etc. Your creativity matters the most in writing the perfect story. My advice is to read more in order to improve your expression and word bank.

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  • Story Writing

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In this chapter not only letter format for 9th class is given rather the guidelines for writing an amazing essay also given. A useful table is given where it will make easy for you to memorize the format of the letter. With practice, you can score well in this section.

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  •  Letter Writing

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This chapter is simply consists of 4 pages where only examples of dialogue writing are given. However, you can make use of the internet how to write a good dialogue because knowing the punctuation rules are critical for writing great. This chapter will also teach you the necessary starting and ending points of a conversation. Appropriate phrases and interjections will be taught to make the dialogue engaging and readable.

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In this chapter, comprehension is given which seems a difficult task for students. In order to crack this thing, you must be a good reader. Read daily your favorite topics or from your favorite websites, then try to understand the theme. You can write the important words also. Questions like these constitute comprehension section in the exam:

  • Suitable title
  • Central idea/theme
  • Critical questions
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  •  Comprehension

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Essay writing is one of the most important skills of a student even you want to crack CSS, you must be good at essay writing. In this chapter, essays are given with Urdu meanings so that you can understand with ease. Look for the following concepts in this chapter regarding essay writing:

  • Introduction (background of topic and upcoming ideas)
  • Main content (minimum 3 paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (summarizing your stance on a topic)
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For the 9th Class student, translation has been a nightmare. The main reason is that they don’t know the tenses, active passive and parts of speech. In order to improve, you can make use of Youtube where a lot of Urdu videos are given.

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  • Translation

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This chapter is all about translation of passages. Many passages are given with no titles, but you can guess after reading the passages, it would improve your reading and comprehension skills.

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  •  Translation 2

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These notes of ‘Preposition’ for 9th Class are the best among all. Using the correct prepositions are useful in paragraph and essay writing, these notes will help you in improving your writing skills. The best part is that Urdu meaning is given of every preposition for easy understanding.

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Correct use of verb is important, this chapter will help you and would improve your writing skills. It is explained with Urdu so it makes for you easy to understand for the best understanding.

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 Rules are given in Urdu for the Direct and Indirect Narration understanding, You can easily understand, you would not need any other notes or book.

  • Size: 4.2 MB | Pages: 22 | Content: Short Questions, Numerical Problems, Theory
  •  Direct and Indirect

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Pair of Words is given which make a lot of students confused. By memorizing these words would make your life easy. Because many words sound similar but have the different meanings.

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  •  Pair of Words

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Writing a perfect paragraph is not easy, you must have a good understanding of rearranging the sentences. These notes would help you.

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All Subjects 9th Class Notes in One Place