How to Get Admission in CMH Lahore?
A lot of us are always thinking to apply in different colleges and universities but do not find an easy way to get accepted or apply even, for that matter. We procrastinate more than we should and often get to a point where we lose track of the deadline and there is no turning back from that position now. This happens due to immense pressure coming at us from different directions such as peer pressure, academic pressure along with our families too in the case of which university to apply in and whether we will be a great fit for that particular university or not.
A very well-renowned and prestigious university is CMH, situated in the premises of Combined Military Hospital, in the serene environment of the Lahore Cantonment. This has been one of the famous Medical and Dental Colleges of Pakistan coming under the private sector. This university was established in 2006 and has been running successfully ever since then.
It’s features includes a state of the art building with a lot of facilities in the campus like a meritorious Anatomy hall, cafeteria, various laboratories, libraries, lecture halls and auditoriums along with a book shop, sports facilities and a spacious parking lot.
Coming to the application process, you are going to need a few things to begin with and then you are good to go.
Application Requirements:
Now if you cannot apply online due to some reason, you can always get a form from the office at CMH and apply manually. Here is a list of things you will need to apply for CMH:
- 1 colored passport-sized photograph of you. Make sure it’s the most recent one.
- A photocopy of your Matriculation or equivalent qualification attested with IBCC equivalent certificate.
- A copy of your F.Sc. /A levels along with the equivalence certificate by IBCC
- A copy of your latest NUMS test
- A copy of your SAT-II test (if applicable)
- A copy of your father’s CNIC
- A copy of your own National Identity Card
- For foreign students, a copy of the Passport is required.
- A copy of your father’s passport( for foreign students, if applicable)
- You will need your domicile (for both local and foreign students)
- A signed undertaking form, signed by both the candidate and the parent. (an undertaking form is found at the end of the prospectus and it can also be downloaded from the official website
The following requirements are for those students who live abroad and have applied as a
Candidate and they want to claim an exemption of 5% advance income tax in fee structure.
- A photocopy of the income tax return of the previous year
- A copy of the parent/guardian passport to show evidence to the educational institute that during the previous tax year, the stay of the student was less than one hundred and eighty-three days, in Pakistan.
- Also, a certificate to prove that he/she does not have any source of income of any kind, in Pakistan.
Application Process:
Once you are familiar with the requirements of the application form, you have to follow these few steps in order to get yourself registered for university admission.
- The first step of this process is that you have to give the NUMS test as it is compulsory to apply in CMH for all MBBS/BDS local students.
- Once you have given NUMS, you are eligible to get a prospectus of the college which comes with a unique ARN number, different for everybody. It should be clear that the application forms will not be processed if the price of the prospectus, Admission process is not paid. The prospectus can be purchased from various places including the office of CMH and Summit Bank, Lahore Cantt branch. It is to be noted that the date and availability of the prospectus will be published in the local newspapers and on the official college website at the time of the start of the admission process.
- Separate prospectuses are available for applying for different degrees. For example, there are different for MBBS/BDS candidates and for foreign and local students.
- A person can apply simultaneously in all the four categories at once like MBBS foreign, MBBS local, BDS foreign and BDS local. In this case, the candidate shall purchase separate prospectuses for each category which will have different ARN numbers.
- Whilst filling the application form, you can do it online by making use of the instructions given. You can always ask for assistance from the admission office staff if having difficulty with filling the application form.
- A roll number slip will be provided to each student for identifying their own merit position in the merit list. The roll number slip can be printed after you fill the application form, using your unique ARN and then uploading a colored photograph of JPG format.
- Admission will be confirmed for those students who have their names listed on the merit list and after they have deposited the admission fee, tuition fee and other fees promptly at the time of submission. If due to some reason, you have not confirmed the seat by due date, it will be allocated to the next student in the line.
- Once the admission process is confirmed, the student’s academic certificates will be verified from respective boards by NUMS. If the data is forged or incorrect, the admission will be immediately cancelled. Also, the entire fee will be non-refundable.
Although the whole admission process is mainstream, keep in the mind the following things:
- You cannot change the category throughout the course whether it’s as local or foreign student or MBBS and BDS once you are registered in the university.
- Keep in mind the deadlines of various things. There will be no amendment in the results/data entered after the last date of submission of applications. Results received after the due date will not be entertained anyhow.
- The roll number slip will not be sent to the candidate via TCS/Post/Mail etc.
- The candidates applying for Army seats of W and R Directorate in MBBS/BDS should show their Father’s/Mother’s Identity documents in person at college admission offices in person before the deadline of application forms’ submission in order to get the roll no. slip printed and to be considered as an Army seat.
Eligibility Criteria:
CMH has divided the candidates into 2 categories: Local and Foreign.
- LOCAL STUDENTS: This means that the candidate applying in CMH is has a Pakistani Nationality.
This would either mean that the candidate applying is a Foreign National and a Pakistan, having a dual Nationality
A Pakistani National student who has passed an examination which is equivalent to intermediate level of Pakistan acquired from a Foreign University/Body or Foreign Education System.
When applying in CMH, you should process the following things:
- A Science qualification which is equivalent to F.Sc from a foreign university or a foreign education system with basically three subjects, out of which Biology and Chemistry are essential and compulsory and the other main subject could either be Physics or Mathematics. These subjects should have a minimum score of 660 out of 1100 or a 60% aggregate without including marks of Hafiz-e-Quran or NCC.
- CMH has not set a minimum or maximum age limit for the applying candidate but it should be noted that because of the peculiar nature and demand of the process (whether MBBS or BDS), the candidate should be having adequate mental and physical health.
- You will be asked to give a TOEFL/IELTS test if your education, medium and instruction 2 years prior to the admission, is not English.
- If you could not clear the first and second professional MBBS and first Profession of BDS, even after 4 chances and have been expelled on that account, you will not be able to continue the medical/dental studies. Along with this, you cannot even apply for a fresh admission.
- For those students who have not studied F.Sc. and have an American High School Diploma or A levels should provide the college an equivalence certificate of IBCC (Inter Board Committee of Chairman). A provisional certificate by IBCC is also acceptable if you have initially submitted the application form.
Selection Criteria:
The admission of the candidate is done justly and wholly on the merit of the candidate. Admissions are done after taking into account the merit determined by marks obtained in Matric, F.Sc and NUMS entry test or SAT-II by the following weightage.
- Matric/Equivalent = 10 %
- F.SC/Equivalent = 40%
- NUMS/SAT II = 50% (if local students are competing in the terms of SAT II, appearing and giving the NUMS entry test is Mandatory.)
- If somehow, the PM/DC does not allow admission on the basis of SAT II for the local students, the admission will be based entirely on the NUMS entry test only.
- For students applying with SAT II scores, they should have a minimum of 550 in each of the 3 science subject.
- It should be noted that the validity of NUMS entry test is 1 year whereas for the SAT II score is 2 years.
- The admission of the candidate will be on merit strictly.
Hope this information helped you all in figuring out “what to do” and “how to do it” because I know how times like these can be crucial for us and you should know that this time matter a lot because if you pass the deadline, you could be in great trouble.

He is an SEO wizard and founder of Top Study World & Nafran, has been featured more times than a celebrity on Ahrefs, Semrush, Dawn News, Propakistani and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!